Nov 08, 2021Full Transcript
Hey everybody Danny Maude here thanks for joining is it this week we're going to talk about your trail elbow and why it is so important to get it right through the impact area to improve your strike and your power it's one of the key factors to getting a lot of compression through that golf ball and generate a lot of speed many many of my clients over the past few weeks if not months have been asked me to create video on this particular impact they see so many players in the world of golf the big hits in the world getting into this position but whenever they see themselves through impact they often find themselves doing stuff like this where the trail arm here or elbow is starting to straighten too early they get into this position here etc and they're losing a lot of power on what they want to be able to do is they want to get into much stronger impact position so they can get that extra few yards and obviously strike as well we're going to cover how you would go about doing this in your swing but it's a little trick you already know how to do this we're gonna I'm gonna help you discover how in a second so before we do if you are new to the channel and this is what your first videos consider subscribing I release content like this every single week to try and help you improve your game so trilobal how do you go about trying to get this lovely position here where you get which aids strike and power through the impact area so why it is important imagine this if we're gonna do a punch so it's kind of a crude example but if we're gonna punch if I'm gonna punch towards you I've I if I've extended my arm there I've liked how much power left there's not much left is there okay so what you're trying to do is is you're trying that needs to be a soft flex so your ex punching through the target look at it from this angle so if I'm punching through and my arms extended there's not a lot left to give yeah but if the targets here and I'm kind of going through it it becomes far more powerful that's the kind of impact we what we need through that hitting area question is how do you go about achieving it well I've been doing thousands of lessons and I often do this exercise and not one single person has been every single person can do this every single person gets their trail elbow working perfectly well when they do this so when they're throwing a ball no matter whether you're average for a poor throw a good for every single person gets a trail elbow in position through impact to fire so if that's the case why don't they do it during the golf swing it's very very straightforward if you don't do this through the golf swing and you know you can actually do fantastically well when you're throwing it's just simply because you're unaware of what's interfering with this natural Martian things that crop up for instance when people are throwing is low there's an there's an energy we're going through to the target you know when put when the balls there we tend to get stuck around this area right there's a concern of whether we're going to strike the ball or not so people rather than flow through they kind of start to stop and as they stop this right arm or trail arm starts to kind of extend way way too early so what I would suggest you doing there one of the best ways to work on this is very very straight forward what I wanted to do is just practice on a driving range throwing some balls like this just get a sense session a throw and I would do this one two three four five times when you throw just be awareness get yourself roughly into a golfing action so you a bit more kind of bent towards the ground and you're not throwing like this you're throwing down here almost like you're skimming a stone all right now are you doing this you might start off by going well I can't really feel too much different this is already normal but what you do is you just keep throwing backwards and forwards what you're also not with a throwing action is your legs are involved so when you are throw and it's not just get again there's an energy to this motion as you're throwing then grab your golf club strict on the ground load and wood on that lovely okay they can grab your golf club and what we want to do just imagine doing the same thing getting a sensation of throat now the FIFA that I get with a lot of my clients when they try this for the first time is it feels like they're really flowing much more towards the target the letting go of the concern of where they're going to strike the ball if that's that's one of the prerequisites for this is that you don't care initially where the ball goes because you need to get the sensation of this flowing Martian you want to get a ball turf strike well one of the ways you get a ball strike is get the ball then the turf look where the body's going it's going this direction it isn't hanging back here look at the difference in this this is a trailer extending what something to my body it stays still watch this row completed look at how everything starts to activate so your job now is to discover how you do it what gets in the way of your throwing action when you play and it is different for everybody so I don't know what it is for you but by you throwing balls get a feeling of what gets in the way of this motion now let's have a look at this here's my throat
here's people standing a bit still oh yeah concern head down a lot of big big thing so I what I've done to get people initially watch this I'm gonna actually get my head doing this for a second so I'm actually gonna give me a head looking up I can still rip it from there as I throw through that shot alright so my head is miles up so I want to debunk some of these myths have you've got to keep your head dead still for most people I coach quite a few senior golfers and they just don't have the flexibility for instance in their neck if they don't if they keep their head too still they can't even move their body so allowing the head to flow helped us to keep that trail elbow in position so we can extend beautifully and generate that power through the show let's have another get exemplar so here I am I'm gonna throw why'd you throw in his club down the fairway I'm even got my head go watch this
it just creates much much more natural flow do you know what it's as simple as that but I know some of you out there they're going to be left left said I'm swinging right handed here you might be in a sense left-handed but swinging right-handed or vice-versa well in that case you could use in a different image rather than in a sense throwing you could imagine almost chopping the tree look at this if I chop a tree do I chop it and release the axe here no I chopped this way yeah look at the trailer ball there and you get the sensation now I'm just chopping but chopping through chopping through the motion let's have another look at this so here we are chop through the motion there's different average that say I like the chopping action for somebody who's maybe left-sided playing a left hand you're playing right honey golf but the throwing action it's the simplest way for you to get the trail elbow it is without fail you already do this so the key is to figure out how you do it naturally please don't do what so many people do which is oh I've got to get my right elbow stuck in here these are all artificial moves there they just don't work to make a golf swing and create your own golf swing we've got to get a natural flow and if you look at the top of your swing and thinking right I've seen I've got to get the elbow bent in here and all that kind of stuff this is just weird you know it just doesn't where does it think about it I'll stick it in here what about everything else we want the right elbow in as a natural full motion so it's not just one element it's a full motion swing that creates that sensation so let's just summarize elbow why is it important it generates power through the shot if you extend too early we lose your power keep the trail elbow in and we generate compression and strike common problems we see people extending early why well you've got to figure this out for yourself what gets in the way of your throwing action what is it it's different things for different people some people are so concerned about where the ball is going to go they don't move so they extend way too early some people they just literally almost akin to tents they don't let go of the golf club yeah when you throw what happens we let go here we're throwing this way there are many reasons the great thing is is let your throwing action be your coach it's gonna tell you how to do it throw some balls try to mimic the action okay I love this one it's so it's the great thing about it is is that you know it's not me teaching you now telling you how to do this you already can do this you just got to figure out what gets in the way of your throwing action so you can start swinging and improving your golf swing I hope you really enjoyed this it's a really simple one it's great fun if you liked it please give it a thumbs up and share it with a few of your friends and of course if you've got any questions over the coming days please leave them in the comments box below as you know I answer them every single day and of course if you are new to a channel and this is one of your first videos come along and join the community but until next week have a great golfing week